Letting Go 


SAMANTHA’S BIT: The Angels want you to know that it is safe to let go of the past now. There is no need to hold yourself down with the weight of the past. Release your thoughts and you release yourself to rise higher then ever before. Life is waiting for you. You are loved and you are blessed.



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Learning Experience 

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Learning experience. SAMANTHA’S BIT: The Angels are asking you to let go of the worry, let go of the anxiety, let go of feeling you have failed or are making a mistake. It is simply a learning experience. Sometimes that it is all it is, simply a lesson or an understanding to gain so that you have clarity for a future decision to make. This situation you are in is steering you well to a brighter future through better choices. Take a deep breath and walk forward. You are loved and you are blessed.   




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Blessings are Yours. 

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Blessings are yours. 

SAMANTHA’S BIT: When our hearts and minds are open to possibility, when we see the love around us, the happiness and the joy life has to offer, when we share what is good then  life rewards us greatly. Like attracts like. Today let your gifts to the world be happiness, kindness, laughter, hope and joy. They cost nothing yet are priceless to those you may uplift today. You are loved and you are blessed.



For private readings please go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

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ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: The truth prevails. SAMANTHA’S BIT: However it was revealed to you, the truth is here and you can see clearly now which path to take. Take time now to enjoy the freedom of this moment and spend time alone to choose the way now. You are loved and you are blessed.#psychicdiva 

For details of emailed readings please go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

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Go Within this Weekend. 


SAMANTHA’S BIT: Take time this weekend just for you. To sit, to reflect, to be still and to breathe in the air that is around you and feel the peace that lies within you. Go within. No need to charge life forward this weekend, the Angels require your company as they strengthen you for the wonderful path that lies ahead. You are loved and you are blessed. #psychicdiva 

For details of Samantha’s work and private appointments please go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

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ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Sit with your Angels. SAMANTHA’S BIT: Take time today to find a moment of peace, of solitude, to sit with the Angels. Speak to them. Give your worries and your wishes to them. Breathe in the peacefulness and let the Angels do their thing. These things are out of your hands out, have faith and find peace with the Angels today. You are loved and you are blessed. #psychicdiva 

For a personal reading please click on book now at the top of Samantha’s page: http://www.facebook.com/MediumSamantha or go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk 

It’s great to share but please remember to share this original post complete with links as copyright laws apply, thank you. 

Forgive and Forget. 

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: A time to forgive and forget now. SAMANTHA’S BIT: When we say it’s time to forgive and forget, forgive means to understand it has happened and nothing can change that. Forget does not mean forget the lesson and the learning but it does mean release it from your mind. Let it go. The Angels are asking you to pay attention to where your thoughts go today. Isn’t it time to forgive, and just as importantly, forget? You are loved and you are blessed. #psychicdiva 

Ready for Success? 

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Ready for Success. SAMANTHA’S BIT: The Angels are asking you, are you ready for success? The answer is yes. You have walked through so much, achieved so much, don’t allow inner fears to get in the way of what is destined now. Success is yours, recognition is yours, love is yours. Follow your inner guidance and know that you are ready for this now. You are loved and you are blessed. #psychicdiva 

Give and Take. 

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Give and take. SAMANTHA’S BIT: In life there is always the need to give and take but are you experiencing this in a balanced way? Whether it is your relationship with work, money, friends, family or partner, the Angels are asking you to look closely at where the balance is out. Bring life back into balance today. You are loved and you are blessed. #psychicdiva 

For details of private readings with Samantha please go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

It’s great to share but please remember to share this original source with links to avoid breaching copyright laws, thank you. 

Trust You Now. 

ANGEL CARD FOR THE WEEKEND: Trust yourself now as you take the opportunity for a new path and purpose. SAMANTHA’S BIT: You are ready now and there are opportunities to have what you desire, what is your purpose now. Whether a new love or a new career know that life has brought you to this point with all the strength, all the knowledge and all the ability to do this. Success can now be yours, trust yourself enough to grab this. You are loved and you are blessed. #psychicdiva

For details of Samantha’s work please go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk 

It’s great to share but please remember to share this original source and links due to copyright laws.