Your Prayers are Being Answered.

ANGEL CARD FOR THE WEEKEND: Pay attention to your thoughts, the ideas you are having are the Angels answering your prayers. SAM’S BIT: Our greatest knowledge, our wisdom, our guidance and our answers all lie within us. Take time to listen to your own thoughts and ideas this weekend. Sit and chill and let the answers flow into your mind. The Angels are close to you whispering their guidance. Love and blessings x

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Slow down.

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Go gently in life today. SAM’S BIT: Slow life down today, resist the urge to force things to happen, everything happens just as it is meant to, in perfect timing. Today relax and enjoy the flow of life and see how much better it feels. Love and blessings x

Samantha provides guidance from the spirit world to clients all around the world. For details of readings please click here.