A Time to Pause, A Time to Be Brave

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Two cards leapt today: Pause and Be Brave. SAM’S BIT: Today honour yourself by taking a pause, stop, take a deep breath, breath in the energies of the Angels beside you, connect with your truest self and feel what is the right thing to do now and then be brave. Be brave enough to act on that feeling, brave enough to do the steps that need to be done and be brave enough to know what is right for YOU. You are doing so well in this journey, have you worked that out yet? You are loved and you are blessed. ©

To request an emailed reading today or information about treatments and consultations with Samantha please go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk


ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Retreat. SAM’S BIT: Just because it is going on around you does not mean you must be involved. It is ok to pull back out of the drama, out of the situations and take time to be alone and regain your focus and inner peace. Our soul self needs us to retreat to re energise and to reconnect with the real us. Know today that it is ok to take time out just for you. It’s good for the soul. You are loved and you are blessed.
Samantha ©

To book a private appointment or an emailed/Skype/phone reading with Samantha please go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

All is Well

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Have patience, all is well. SAM’S BIT: When we step subconsciously into the energy of fear, we panic, we stress and we become impatience because we are not feeling in control of our world. Life should flow, not necessarily in your time, but always in God’s time, so that everything falls into perfect place, into alignment with our paths and purpose. Know that all is well, know you do not need to feel in control of this and have patience with these things. Take s deep breath, sit with the Angels today. Love and blessings x #psychicdiva #patience

In need of guidance? Need a private reading? Click here for Samantha’s Website

Think Big.

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: New horizons await, think big. SAM’S BIT: The world is full of everything you long for. Whether precious moments, success, experiences, happiness or love, all the angels ask is that you think big. You dare to dream, to visualise that all these things could be yours. What we think we create, think bigger thoughts today. Don’t settle for a life less than your heart desires. Love and blessings x

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Twitter: @theheaddiva

Ask the Angels to Guide You.

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Ask the angels to help you accept the change you are struggling with. SAM’S BIT: Sometimes even though we know a change is needed and is right, it doesn’t always make it easy to walk through. Sometimes in our darkest moments we forget to ask the angels to light the way. You were not put here to struggle, ask for help today. Love and blessings x

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With all the moon energy affecting our emotions sometimes we are so lost in what we are thinking and feeling that we forget to ask, to pray for help. When did you last send up a thought to the angels? They are waiting to hear from you. Take time today to ask for help with what matters most to you. Love and blessings x

Download Samantha’s great new App and have her Angel guidance at your fingertips wherever you are: http://www.needapsychic.appsme.com

The Winds of a Change

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: The angels are gently blowing in the winds of change around you. SAM’S BIT: Can you feel it? Can you feel that a change is upon you? Trust that it is a good change and give your challenges to the Angels today and every day that follows. Love and blessings x

Private appointment details can be found at http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

Twitter @theheaddiva

Let me help you.

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Let me help you. SAM’S BIT: Change is often difficult life is often difficult and so many of us feel we must do and deal with everything on our own. Ask for help! Angels are here to help us and guide us and sometimes even sent in physical form to assist us. Let them help you. Life is to short to be a struggle. Love yourself enough to accept help today. Love and blessings x #psychicdiva

Shall We Begin?

ANGEL MESSAGE FOR TODAY: Shall we begin? SAMS BIT: Are you ready now? Today is a new day, a new beginning and a fresh start. Are you ready to begin the journey of walking forwards into better days now you have shaken off the energies of yesterday’s? Enjoy the journey and let your journey bring you joy today. Love and blessings x

For details of readings and healing therapies with Samantha:

Past life.

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Past life issue. SAMS BIT: Sometimes the problem is not what is happening today but what has happened in your past. It is easier to hold on to the suffering of yesterday’s believing it shields us from further harm. Today let it go. Stop carrying the burden of yesterday and fill your heart with the joy of today. Love and blessings. X #psychicdiva http://www.needapsychic.co.uk