
ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Opportunities are coming. The Angels are encouraging you to go for it. SAMANTHA’S BIT: A time of happiness and joy is coming though the taking of opportunities. The Angels are excited about what could be and they encourage you to start that business, start that relationship, follow that dream. Whatever you have been putting off, know that now is a time of action. You are loved and you are blessed. #psychicdiva

For a personal reading please go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

Don’t Give Up!

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Don’t give up! SAMANTHA’S BIT: Don’t give up and don’t give in. This is temporary and it is your persistence that will win the day. As you look at this situation it may not be how you thought it was going to be, the evidence that you desire may not be there yet but the Angels ensure you that you are making progress, the journey does get easier and the end, the new chapter is almost upon us. You are always strong enough. Don’t give up! You are loved and you are blessed. #psychicdiva

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For details of how to receive a private reading from Samantha please go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk thank you.

Honesty by Samantha

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Honesty. SAMANTHA’S BIT: When we are being honest and living in our truth, we are living authentic lives and that in itself is powerful. It allows you to stand strong in who you are. The Angels are encouraging you to do just that, to stand, head held high and proud of who you are and the things that you are doing. You are loved and you are blessed.

For private appointment information please go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk


ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Go with the flow. SAMANTHA’S BIT: When it is feeling like hard work and an up hill struggle it simply means that we are going against the flow, our flow and that there is a need to step back and allow the flow of life to come to you. Today let go of the struggle and see where the flow of life takes you. You are loved and you are blessed.

Today It’s About You

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Look after yourself today. SAMANTHA’S BIT: Look after yourself today, in your choices, actions and thoughts. The Angels walk beside you but you too must do you your bit. You must choose to be well and only you know what needs to be done to feel well at this time. Follow your own inner guidance, do what feels right and feel no shame in putting yourself first today. You are loved and you are blessed. Samantha #psychicdiva

For private readings and healings http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

connect on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mediumsamantha

follow on twitter: ‘theheaddiva

You Are Beautiful.

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: You are beautiful. SAMANTHA’S BIT: The Angels do not listen to the voice in your mind that puts you down, they do not listen to the voices of those around you who do not appreciate you for you are beautiful and you are loved. Isn’t it time you loved yourself just as the Angels do by making better choices, doing things that match your values and morals and enjoying the activities that bring you joy.
Today choose you, choose love. You are loved and you are blessed.

Be powerful today.

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: it is safe to be powerful in positive ways. SAMS BIT: today know that it is safe for you to take charge of your life in powerful but positive ways. Be the beacon of light that attracts good things in your world today. You are safe. You are powerful. Love and blessings x

For readings: http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

For empowerment:

a new direction.

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: A new direction. SAM’S BIT: Today allow the Angels to help you as you move in a new direction. When we have faith in the Angels and ourselves new paths open up and life takes on new meaning. Accept their assistance today. Love and blessings x

To book a private reading please go to www.needapsychic.co.uk


Begin Again.

As I lie here, drifting in the thoughts of the insomniac I seem to have become, my mind reminds me of all the hard moments in people’s lives, the people I have met this month, this week, this day. No matter how beautiful the souls of people are they will always have pockets of upset, pain and suffering. Pockets of stress, pockets of anxiety. It is simply the cycles of life and through these moments our deepest understanding of ourselves and life comes to us. Of course, only if we choose to see the learning.

I have been reading for others, passing on the messages of spirit and angels, healing hearts, calming minds and reminding people to breathe for 14 years now. It has taught me many fabulous things and it has also shown me the power of not judging others. No matter how ‘dark’ a person may seem, if we cannot see beyond their crime how can we possibly cast light?

There are, in my opinion, only two real emotions or energies in this world, love and fear and sometimes even love can bring it’s own fear. When we choose to sit in the energy of love and create the life we desire it is a loving experience to do so, even through the ups and downs but when we are creating from a place of fear, fear of never being loved, never having enough, never making it then we create a tougher journey.

In every moment we have the chance to begin again. At any moment we can choose to take a fresh step and have a new thought, we can choose to love the journey.

Today, make sure you begin again.

Love and blessings

Thank you.

Thank you to everyone who has been following my Angel messages I share here on wordpress. I really do appreciate your support so once again, thank you.

If you would like to connect with me please do do by liking my page here on facebook

If you would like to know about my spiritual and holistic centre in Swindon please click here

Love and blessings