Have faith in your Actions.

ANGEL MESSAGE FOR TODAY: Have faith in your actions. SAMS BIT: You have done what you needed to do, you have said what needed to be said and taken back control of your world, don’t lose faith now. Let it go in you mind, give it to the Angels now and have faith in yourself and that all will be well. Love and blessings x

For details of readings please go to: http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

For details of healing therapies please go to: http://www.findyourdiva.co.uk

To love again.

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: isn’t it time you loved again? SAM’S BIT: when did you last feel love in your heart? Do you see the world through loving eyes? Do you feel connected to your life through the love you have for it and within it? Let the Angels open your heart to love today, whether it’s through a relationship, an activity or connecting with friends. Let your heart open today and be the love this world need. Love and blessings x #psychicdiva

For details of Samantha’s work please go to http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

For details of Samantha’s spiritual centre please go to http://www.thesoulsanctuary.weebly.com


ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Think positively today. SAM’S BIT: Whether you are thinking about money, work, love or home life be positive in your thinking for what you think you create. Today use the power of thought to bring in change. Love and blessings x wwww.needapsychic.co.uk

New Years Eve Message

NEW YEARS EVE ANGEL MESSAGE: This is the beginning. A time of letting go. A time of appreciating everything that was right and good in 2013 and letting go of that which was not. Close this year with love and laughter, smiles and hope as we step forwards into a new year and a new beginning. Let 2013 have been the year that showed you what truly matters and let 2014 be the year of knowing and growing what truly matters. Love and blessings x

For private appointment information please go to Need A Psychic

Today’s Angel Message

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Two cards leapt so here is my combined message: When we are experiencing an ending and a beginning there is a need for boundaries, there is a need to walk forwards and not allow those that are holding on to our past and our pain to cross that boundary and bring our past into our new. Know when the past walks in, understand why and choose to continue walking into the future. #psychicdiva


ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Love yourself enough to have boundaries. SAMS BIT: Saying no to others is an act of love. An act of love towards ourselves. Say no today to those who are draining your time and energy and taking away your joy. You know who they are! Love and blessings x


ANGEL CARD FOR THE WEEKEND: Love comes from within. SAMS BIT: When we feel lacking in love we need to understand that love comes from within. Are you speaking to yourself with love? Are your thoughts loving? Are your words said with love? Are you loving the things you are doing and most importantly yourself? Be the love you wish to experience this weekend. Love and blessings x http://www.needapsychic.co.uk

There is Purpose in Madness

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: See the light in everyone. SAMS BIT: When you look at others today, understand that they are on their own path, there are experiences they must walk through for their own purpose, their own growth. Understand that even the pointless may serve a purpose! Let it go and focus on your path and purpose today. Love and blessings x

Please help Samantha continue in her work by clicking ‘like’ on her facebook page

A Free Spirit

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Freedom, you are already free, you just haven’t realised yet. SAMS BIT: Feeling trapped? feeling stuck in life? You are only as trapped as you let yourself think you are. Know that you a free spirit and allow yourself to be free spirited in the things that you do today. Love and blessings x

Angel Within Ministry

You Are Safe

ANGEL MESSAGE FOR THE WEEKEND: Know that You are always loved and protected. SAMS BIT: When we feel loved and protected we feel safer, safer to do things we have been reluctant to do. Wherever you are in life know that the Angels walk beside you. Let this knowledge help you as you walk forwards this weekend. Love and blessings x

