Have a Joyous Weekend.

ANGEL MESSAGE FOR THE WEEKEND: Do that, do what brings you joy. SAMS BIT: Life is short, life is precious. There is no time to sit around complaining about your lot in this world. Use your time wisely and do what brings you joy for that is what you were put here to do, to enjoy it! Have a joyous weekend. Love and blessings x


ANGEL MESSAGE FOR TODAY: Karma comes. SAMS BIT: All that you do, all that you think and all that you say comes back to you. Let go of thoughts of those who have hurt you, in doing so you let karma step in. Instead focus your mind, your actions and your words on loving kindness today. Love and blessings x Find me on twitter @theheaddiva


Be Open.

ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Open your heart to abundance. SAMS BIT: We must be open to receive, we must be in a positive, loving place to receive positive things and experiences. when our hearts are open anything is possible. Let abundance in today, open that heart of yours. Love and blessings x http://www.needapsychic.co.uk


ANGEL CARD FOR THE WEEKEND: Give your struggles to the Angels. SAMS BIT: Faith eventually requires us to give our pain, our struggles, our fears to the Angels for them do as needs be done. Let go of what troubles you this weekend and let the Angels work their magic. Love and blessings x @theheaddiva

find Samantha on facebook



ANGEL MESSAGE FOR TODAY: Your faith is more powerful than any fear. SAMS BIT: when we are struggling with things or fearing the outcome of a situation the most powerful thing we can do is mentally step out of fear and into faith. Faith that things will get better, faith that there is a reason for the situations we are in and faith in ourselves and our abilities to move forward. Experience faith not fear today. Love and blessings x

Samantha’s website


ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Have compassion today. SAMS BIT: When we stop judging ourself and others and focus on the aspects of life that are kind and loving the world around us responds. Accept the paths of others, have compassion but focus on your own path today. Love and blessings x

please click like on Samantha’s facebook page to support her work


ANGEL CARD FOR TODAY: Love yourself enough to have boundaries. SAMS BIT: Saying no to others is an act of love. An act of love towards ourselves. Say no today to those who are draining your time and energy and taking away your joy. You know who they are! Love and blessings x